Jawbreaker "Excited" for Possible Reunion, Have Rehearsed Together

Jawbreaker "Excited" for Possible Reunion, Have Rehearsed Together

Last month, Jawbreaker drummer Adam Pfhaler gave a talk at Los Angeles’ Giant Robot 2 gallery, where he discussed, among other things, the likelihood of a reunion. Turns out, the chances are pretty high. As Substream reports (via Fact), Pfhaler seemed cautiously optimistic about the reunion. “We’ve totally talked about it, and everyone is excited,” he said, before revealing the band rehearsed together a couple of years ago. “We played a couple of songs just to see if we could still do it,” he said. “We weren’t sure if we could still do it. We could still do it.”

Speaking about reunion offers, Pfhaler said:

They start calling you and offering you crazy, crazy money. [Audience member mentions Coachella.] Anything you’ve heard is probably true. … They offer you crazy money to do two shows, and that’s amazing. But it just hasn’t come to that. The kind of people we are, Blake [Schwarzenbach] would not do it for all the money in the world. And I would do it for nothing. So it’s two sides of that same coin.

Asked if the band members had had a heart-to-heart about the possibility of reuniting, Pfhaler said:

That’s part of the reason we got together in New York. We were testing the waters, [like,] ‘Can we hang out together? Could it be cool? Could it sound good?’ … A couple of years back it got real close, but there was a bigger band, they were waiting on an answer to headline one of the festivals. And then sure enough they did it, they took their slot, and it relegated us to the following year. And the timing wasn’t right the following year.

Pfhaler also talks about the nine-years-coming Jawbreaker documentary, which just picked up a bunch of new interviews and a new producer in the form of the Promise Ring’s Dan Didier.

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