Death Grips: "On GP"

In the last several years, Liturgy and Death Grips have been complementary flash points. From the former’s philosophical treatises and crossover moves to the latter’s agnostic approach to simply being a band, they’ve both inspired floods of extra-musical vitriol, where they’re lambasted more for what they are than what they do. As if to fuel ecumenical acrimony, Liturgy have reunited just as Death Grips are (allegedly, again) ending their ruckus for good. And like Liturgy on this month’s The Ark Work, Death Grips have reached an unapologetic collision between rock and rap, another middle finger to expectations in a career full of them.

“On GP”, the second cut released from Jenny Death, is an arching, psychedelic burner, with the sort of washing riff you might find in the archives of acid syndicates Estrus or PSF. MC Ride’s stammering scream builds and breaks with Zach Hill’s drumming, one’s quick triplets only reinforcing the strength of the other. Even for a longtime death-obsessed outfit, these lyrics—about ropes and hangings, boredom and psychosis, annoyance and exits—are more grim than usual, as if an act with nothing left to lose finally decided to lock themselves into a room, turn up and morph into a rap-rock band before maybe vanishing forever.

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