Azealia Banks Addresses Feud With Disclosure, Says She Wants To Punch ‘The Ugly One’

Azealia Banks Addresses Feud With Disclosure, Says She Wants To Punch 'The Ugly One'

Photo by Chris Tuite

Last week Azealia Banks released her debut album Broke With Expensive Taste, and now she’s done an interview with The Guardian that clears up some of the spats she had with other musicians in the lead-up to its release.

Last September Banks scrapped a recording session with Disclosure after claiming that they were “really rude in an interview, so I canned it”. (Disclosure responded, saying that they apologized but that “it didn’t seem to matter”.) In the interview, Banks further explains:

“I tweeted that I just had the best session with Disclosure, because I was such a fan-girl and I was so excited to have met them. But I guess their thing was: ‘What if the song isn’t that good and you hyped it up?’ But I was like: ‘So fucking what?’ So they tried to be, like, assholes. And the next day they went to the media and they were like,” – she assumes the identity of an uptight Brit – “‘Oh well, I don’t know why she’s so excited, because we haven’t even finished this song or written a hook for it.’ I mean, come on!”

She reflects for a second. “I want to punch one of them in the face – the little one [possibly Guy Lawrence]. The ugly one. I want to hit him so bad. I saw him at the airport in Australia and I came over to him and I was like: ‘Hello? Like, what are we going to do with this song?’ And he was just being a dickhead. I started crying, I was so angry. I  wanted to hit him. I cannot stand that little boy with all those pimples around his mouth. I love their music, though.”

She also discusses her previously-reported spat with the Stone Roses, about whom she explains:

“I was dating this tour manager, and we stopped dating,” she explains. “I didn’t want to fire him, but I wanted to bring my new boyfriend on tour. So he did something really stupid where he had dinner with the Stone Roses and he made a pact with them to have one of their roadies come on my stage and sound check during my set. Whatever. I broke his heart and it was unfair. I kind of deserved it. But don’t fuck with my stage or I’ll kill you. Anyway, I’d been looking for [the Roses] all day, and this van comes up and Ian Brown gets out the car, and he’s like: ‘Why you talkin’ about me on Twitter?’ And literally I got this close to him.” She stands up and bends towards me, her face millimetres from mine, and roars: “I’m like: ‘Rarrrrrr!’”

As for artists she does like, the list includes Drake, Lana Del Rey, Ezra Koenig of Vampire Weekend, and Ariel Pink, with whom she collaborated on “Nude Beach A Go Go” for Broke With Expensive Taste. (She calls him “Stink Pink”, for hygenic reasons, apparently.)

Read the rest of Azealia Banks’ interview with The Guardian here.

Read our Update with Azealia Banks.

Watch the video for “212″:

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