Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon Criticizes Apple

Bon Iver's Justin Vernon Criticizes Apple

Update: Vernon continued to tweet about Apple and Spotify, noting he only wished the people in power “USED it to literally make things better.” Check out his full commentary below.

Apple recently entered the streaming music fray with their announcement of Apple Music. As Stereogum points out, Bon Iver‘s Justin Vernon is not a fan. In addition to retweeting a FACT article titled “Indie labels advised against signing with Apple Music amid fears of revenue ‘black hole’,” he cited iTunes as the reason why he’s listening to less music lately.

He wrote:

don’t need to read this. its true. the company that made me believe in companies, and not joking: PEOPLE is no more

— blobtower (@blobtower) June 16, 2015

. @blobtower been thinking this for a while. ironically i think its iTunes why I’ve listened to less music / 2yrs. bad syncing/platform

— blobtower (@blobtower) June 16, 2015

thats it. I’ve had it. APPLE: you were a great company. fearless. innovative. now iTunes literally is just BAD DESIGN. #COMEBACK

— blobtower (@blobtower) April 20, 2015

yeah, all i use apple for now is AudioBooths. #michaelperry #population485

— blobtower (@blobtower) June 17, 2015

but seriously, i hope HATE isn’t the message. Just literally wish that the humans who had the power, USED it to literally make things better

— blobtower (@blobtower) June 17, 2015

one more note apple wise: iDVD 2, iTunes 3, iMovie 2.1 i remember the computer teaching ME how to use it, by having such amazing design.

— blobtower (@blobtower) June 17, 2015

I’ve been loving spotify, for the record. have to import gems I’ve had on mp3 for years… and i think cd’s +lp’s and tapes are still better

— blobtower (@blobtower) June 17, 2015

He also recently catalogued some of his favorite music that isn’t on Spotify with the “NotOnSpotify” hashtag. But on the bright side:

thanks to spotify I’m having my first amazing Portishead experience

— blobtower (@blobtower) June 12, 2015

Watch Vernon’s band Volcano Choir perform on “City of Music”:

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