Bradford Cox Details Alleged Aggressive Encounter With Billy Corgan and Smashing Pumpkins Crew

Bradford Cox Details Alleged Aggressive Encounter With Billy Corgan and Smashing Pumpkins Crew

Bradford Cox photo by Charlotte Zoller

On Friday night, Deerhunter performed at the Orange Peel in Asheville, North Carolina. During the show, Bradford Cox told a story about opening for the Smashing Pumpkins at the same venue in 2007. He referred to the experience as “torture camp.” Find video of the story below.

Cox said that after Deerhunter’s set, he grabbed a bottle of water from “this big pyramid of VOSS water”. A member of the Pumpkins’ crew looked at him and said, “What the fuck are you doing? This is Mr. Corgan’s water.” Cox alleges that the man grabbed and pushed him against the wall. Then-bassist Josh Fauver reportedly defended Cox by lunging at the guy.

When they arrived at the venue the next night, Cox said they were approached by a woman who told him, “Mr. Corgan will see you now.” Cox says he found Corgan sitting on the stage.

They bring me out to the stage, and he says to me, “I hear you’ve been causing a lot of trouble. Do you know who you are? You’re shit. You’re a shitty little insignificant fucking indie rock band, and you were invited, not by me—who knows what fucking idiot in my management did this—but you were invited to open for the Smashing Pumpkins.”

Cox reportedly told Corgan that he was “manhandled” by the crew member, but Corgan continued to berate Cox. Cox said he peeled off his backstage pass, told Corgan “fuck you,” and “slapped the little sticker, the backstage laminate pass, on his leg.” Cox said that Corgan yelled “assault” and threatened legal action. Then, Cox said the Smashing Pumpkins’ crew threw Moses Archuleta’s drum kit down some steps, damaging them to the point where they needed to be replaced.

We’ve reached out to Corgan’s representatives for comment.

Here’s a short clip from the show in question:

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