Conan O’Brien Went to Berghain and People Are Not Happy

Conan O’Brien Went to Berghain and People Are Not Happy

Conan O’Brien was spotted outside legendary nightclub Berghain yesterday, filming a remote segment as part of his trip to Berlin. DJ/producer The Black Madonna noted the comedian’s presence in an Instagram post, saying he was “outside doing comedy.” See that below.

In subsequent comments, she raised concerns with O’Brien’s presence at the club. “I don’t need to know what he’s joking about to know that he’s taking millions of people into a space that is private for a good reason,” she said in a response to her Instagram post. “I’m not humorless about any subject. But turning a space like this into a comedy spectacle for a largely straight American audience with no context other than the club being private and gay is a problem. It’s private for a reason. Taking your selfie out front is one thing. Conan is a comedian that millions of people watch nightly in a country on the verge of having Donald Trump for a president. That context matters.” It’s unclear whether or not O’Brien was allowed entry into the club. Watch the announcement of his Berlin trip below as well.

Last month, lightning struck Berghain, deactivating the air conditioning but not dissuading revelers from dancing.

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