Prince Deletes Facebook and Twitter Accounts, Yanks Music from YouTube

Prince Deletes Facebook and Twitter Accounts, Yanks Music from YouTube

Though Prince‘s irregular social media activity was a relatively new thing, today he shuttered his @3rdEyeGirl Twitter account and his 3rdEyeGirl and Prince Facebook pages, while also removing many of his more recent videos from his YouTube account, according to the Star Tribune.

Prince’s recent relationship with social media had been a rocky one. A Facebook Q&A ended after several hours with Prince only answering one question. A Yahoo! simulcast commemorating his new albums—Art Official Age and PlectrumElectrumalso turned out to be a wash, with fans waiting for hours for only three songs. (At least one was with Kendrick Lamar.) Fans in Toronto were disappointed when a rumored show at Massey Hall hinted at on the 3rdEyeGirl Twitter account turned out to not be true.

Watch the “Breakfast Can Wait” video (which has’t been removed from YouTube), and check out our interview with the video’s director.

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