SebastiAn, Frank Ocean’s “Facebook Story” Narrator, Talks Blonde and Endless

SebastiAn, Frank Ocean’s “Facebook Story” Narrator, Talks Blonde and Endless

Last week, when Frank Ocean released his Endless visual album, French producer SebastiAn was credited with “programming” on two songs—“Rushes” and “Higgs”—and with “additional programming” on a third, “Slide on Me.” Sebastian was also listed in the credits for Ocean’s other new album, Blonde, and although song-by-song credits for Blonde have not yet been released, the voice speaking on the track “Facebook Story” has widely been assumed to be his. Now, SebastiAn—who is at work on a follow-up to his 2011 album Total, again for Ed Banger Records—has confirmed his role on the track to Pitchfork. Read an edited transcript of his email interview below.

Pitchfork: Is that really you on “Facebook Story”?

SebastiAn: Yes, it’s me and it’s a true story. We were just chatting about life and relationships in general. I discovered that Frank was recording the conversations sometimes when something seemed interesting to him, but I didn’t know when and why exactly. We were just having discussions like anyone else, but he suddenly paid attention at this story. He maybe chose that one because this kind of story reveals something about our time. He maybe has another point of view.

Did you work on anything else from Blonde?

Considering that somebody in particular did something on this album is kind of out of the general concept. To me, Frank conceptualized the process of the album as you build an incredible building. He was the architect and everybody was working with him to make it happen. The concept was more about focusing into the result, not about who did what. It’s personal, but I felt that everybody was here for the project, for the music, the energy, not especially for themselves. There’s no real manual to explain how the record was built.

You also have a few different programming credits on Endless.

Endless is another story. We were at the same town when he came back with this other project. A friend told me he was around the city, so as I often do to say hello, I sent him kind of a short musical joking track. He called back me late at night, we chilled a little, listening to the project. He asked me my point of view about it, I came the day after with few different parts produced during that same night.

What musical influences did you two discuss?

No references at all during the entire process. He just wanted to create, not knowing where it would go exactly but controlling the general aspect of the sounds at the same time. That’s what I felt. I was impressed how the project was free and open to everything.

How did you meet?

First time I met him, when I asked what he wanted from me exactly, he never really answered. He just gave me the tracks one by one, and I was allowed to do absolutely everything I wanted to. Which was an incredible way to work for me. 

All I could say about him for now—and it’s not a surprise for anybody that Frank is a particularly enigmatic person—is that I felt he was a very smart, intense and clever guy. Something different from what I’d known before. 

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