Sun Kil Moon Streams Universal Themes, El-P Interviews Mark Kozelek

Sun Kil Moon Streams Universal Themes, El-P Interviews Mark Kozelek

Sun Kil Moon‘s Universal Themes is out this week, and today, Mark Kozelek is streaming the album over on his website. He’s also posted an interview between himself and El-P, who appear to have made up. They go through the album’s tracks one by one, and El-P uses them as a launching point for more complex questions. (“Is it possible to write well about pain without having felt it or witnessed it?”, “You liken life to a fight. Is remembering that a big part of that fight?”)

The album features percussion by Sonic Youth‘s Steve Shelley. It was recorded in San Francisco and Hoboken. A vinyl release will be available later in the year. It features the previously shared tracks “The Possum”, “Ali/Spinks 2″, and “Garden of Lavender”.

Read our interview with Kozelek.

Watch Sun Kil Moon perform at Pitchfork Music Festival:

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