Marina Abramović Institute Issues Apology to Jay Z

Marina Abramović Institute Issues Apology to Jay Z

Marina Abramović recently gave an interview where she said Jay Z  didn’t deliver on his promise to donate to the Marina Abramović Institute in return for her appearance in his “Picasso Baby” video. “It’s so cruel, it’s incredible,” she said. Then, the video’s producer Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn refuted those claims, saying the rapper did indeed make a donation.

As Fader reports, the Institute have now issued a statement confirming that Jay Z made a donation. They write that Abramović wasn’t informed of the donation prior to the interview. “We are sincerely sorry to both Marina Abramović and Shawn ‘Jay Z’ Carter for this, and since then we have taken appropriate actions to reconcile this matter.”

Watch footage from “Picasso Baby”:

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