Rivers Cuomo TV Pilot Finds Its Rivers Cuomo

Rivers Cuomo TV Pilot Finds Its Rivers Cuomo

Photo by Emily Shur

Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo is producing “Detour”, a Fox pilot based off his own experience of being a rock star who decides to leave his band and go back to college. Now, the show has found its Cuomo: British actor Ben Aldridge has been tapped for the part, Deadline reports. His character’s name is Michael Sturges.

“Detour” will be Aldridge’s first pilot. Previously, he acted in the shows “Our Girl” and “Reign”.

He is chiseled in a way that Cuomo likely isn’t, as the AV Club points out. But hey, taking liberties with the fictional depiction of your abs is every producer’s right. 

Joey Morgan will play Sturges’ “sweet-natured, brilliant but socially anxious/awkward” roommate, according to Deadline.

Read our recent interview with Cuomo.

Watch an ABC segment about Cuomo’s studies at Harvard:

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