Sleater-Kinney Give Teen Girls Advice for Rookie’s "Ask a Grown Woman" Series

Sleater-Kinney Give Teen Girls Advice for Rookie's "Ask a Grown Woman" Series

Rookie has a recurring feature, “Ask a Grown Woman/Man”, where adults give advice to teenage girls. This week, Sleater-Kinney‘s Carrie Brownstein and Corin Tucker recorded a video in which they advised girls on how to break up with someone you’re not into, how to approach your first kiss (Brownstein: “Kissing is kind of scary”), and how to come out while also dealing with a crush on a friend. Brownstein recommended honesty and said, “Making these small acts of bravery in your life are small steps toward becoming an open person, someone that’s generous and compassionate.” Check it out below.

Read “A Certain Rebellion”, our feature article on Sleater-Kinney.

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