Congressman Uses “Stranger Things” to Take On Trump

Congressman Uses “Stranger Things” to Take On Trump

There are many ways to describe the horrors of the first few weeks under the Trump administration, but one congressman took to the House floor to compare it to the Upside Down from Netflix’s hit show “Stranger Things.” Standing next to a “Stranger Things” logo-generated sign that read “Trump Things,” Democratic House member David Cicilline, representative for Rhode Island’s first congressional district, made several references to the show and its characters. Watch it go down below (via AV Club).

“Mr. Speaker, like the main characters in “Stranger Things,” we are now stuck in the Upside Down. Right is wrong, up is down, black is white,” he opened. “This is not a TV show; this is real life.” After mentioning the firing of former National Security advisor Michael Flynn, the administration’s ties to Russia, and its mishandling of the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan, he concluded, “Like Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Eleven, we must remain focused on the task at hand and hold this administration accountable so we can escape from our own version of the Upside Down.”

Read “Inside the Spellbinding Sound of ‘Stranger Things’.”

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